Why WFH Should Be Considered as “Living Your Best Life”.

With remote work becoming a luxury for many during the pandemic, the working landscape as a whole witnessed a transformative shift. During this time, many of us began to reflect on what going “in office” really meant; how much time we’re spending in our cars or on transit during our commute, the natural distractions from the office environment, spending money on buying lunch out…the list goes on. However, when many of us were faced with being able to work from home for the first time, the realities behind productivity and overall work-life balance started to shine through.

It's crucial to understand and leverage the benefits that working from home can offer, which is why we needed to drop our thoughts on why we think the WFH life was meant for us. AND that we have every bit of ability to succeed than those who equally love going into office. Honestly, no matter what you prefer - it’s your life! Let’s not judge anyone or assume our motivation differs depending on where you want to work.

Optimizing Time Without Commuting

One of the most significant advantages of working from home is the time saved by eliminating the daily commute. I have close friends and family who have to account for spending at least two hours a day travelling. An hour before work, and an hour after either in their car or on transit - not to mention traffic.

With us working from home professionals, the time we save from avoiding this can be channeled into other activities. My personal favourite is being able to go to a 6:30am spin class to get a good workout in before my day, or spending more time on my skincare routine in the morning. Being able to start your day with an intentional mindset doing something beneficial for your day rather than spending it commuting is a huge benefit in my eyes.

Also, there’s the obvious thought here of the coveted perfect “work-life balance”. Which I’m not sure what the perfect balance looks like, but I do believe for myself, the absence of commuting really helps me prioritize other things in my day.

Being able to use the time I save to indulge in personal hobbies, exercise, or spending quality moments with family and friends is huge for me. It is also crucial for maintaining my well-being and driving my creativity that my job demands.

Our Personal WFH Essentials

Creating a comfortable and cozy work environment at home is essential for us digital marketing gals to maximize our motivation and productivity. A great place to start is by designating a dedicated workspace.

While it’s ideal to have a separate room in your home or apartment where you can close the door at the end of the day and leave work behind, this isn’t possible for everyone. So dedicating a space in your living room or bedroom where your desk will be is perfect. What you should try to avoid is using your couch, bed or kitchen table as your workspace. This can begin to blend your personal and work life modes together, which can lead to difficulties in optimizing that work-life balance within your home.

Having a place dedicated to your work that will offer a place free from distractions will allow your creativity and motivation to flourish. Of course setting yourself up with the right tools is the next most important step. Here are some of our essentials:

  • A reliable laptop

  • A lamp with perfect lighting

  • Good internet connection

  • Cute laptop accessories

  • An Agenda/Planner

All of these (and more) will all add to your optimal at-home desk set-up.

Beyond the physical setup, WFH requires a mindset shift. One thing we have found to aid in this shift is establishing and committing to a morning and afternoon routine. Having a routine that works for you can effectively mirror the structure of what a traditional office day may look like. Being consistent with it can help focus your mind, allowing you to maximize your efficiency and output - which your boss will LOVE.

So.. Should we worry about trying to get others to recognize the value of WFH?

As remote work has become more prevalent these past few years and companies are trying to get their employees back into office, it's essential to dispel the notion that a physical office presence is synonymous with professional dedication and motivation.

Us remote marketers contribute just as significantly to our industry, and our impact is evident in the results that we have the ability to deliver.

Communication tools and collaboration platforms have evolved to bridge the gap between remote and in-office teams. Whether you're working from a cozy home office or a bustling coffee shop, the output of a digital marketing professional is defined by our skills, creativity, and commitment to the craft.

Why should I be in a cubicle writing social media captions when I can be at home with a candle lit, blanket on me, and the coffee I made myself and deliver the same results?

I think the most important thing is that us WFH professionals should not have to explain why our career matters just as much as office-goers’. The key lies in showcasing results, collaboration, and the ability to adapt to the evolving demands of the industry, not in whether I’m wearing a sweatsuit at home or a pantsuit in office.

Final Thoughts

It’s no secret that we think the benefits of working from home in the digital marketing industry are substantial. From creating an optimal workspace to seizing the time gained from a commute-free life, remote work offers a chance to truly live our best marketing girly life.

Remember, as a young professional in the marketing industry that you need to recognize the value you bring to this industry, regardless of your physical location. You’re not only elevating your professional career, but also contributing to reshaping the future of work in the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing.

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Let us know your thoughts on this topic, we’d love to hear from you. 🤎 Until next time, stay inspired, stay productive, and embrace the freedom to redefine your marketing journey.


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