Email Marketing.

Email marketing is an excellent tool for building and nurturing relationships with your customers. You can use it to keep your audience informed about your products, services, and promotions, as well as provide valuable content that educates and entertains. By consistently delivering value through email, you can establish trust and credibility, which can lead to long-term customer loyalty and repeat business.

We provide email marketing assistance to small-scale businesses who want to utilize this tool to elevate their business.

Service Includes:

  • Audit or Account Setup.

  • Email Marketing Strategy.

  • Website Pop-up Integration.

  • Targeting Campaigns.

  • Template Design.

  • Audience Segmentation.

If you have a larger mailing list but no activity or struggling with maintenance, please contact us for more details and we will match our services to fit your needs.

Hang out with us on Instagram. @acrosstheboardbranding




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